

This chapter gives an overview of the runtime cost of typical Arche operations. All time information is per entity. All components used in the benchmarks have two int64 fields. Batch operations are performed in batches of 1000 entities.

Absolute numbers are not really meaningful, as they heavily depend on the hardware. However, all benchmarks run in the CI in the same job and hence on the same machine, and can be compared.

Benchmark code: benchmark/table in the GitHub repository.

Benchmarks are run automatically in the GitHub CI, and are updated on this page on every merge into the main branch. They always reflect the latest development state of Arche.

For a benchmark comparison with other ECS implementations, see the go-ecs-benchmarks repository.

Last run: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 12:35:35 UTC
Version: Arche v0.15.3
CPU: AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor


Operation Time Remark
Query.Next 1.1 ns
Query.Next + 1x Query.Get 1.7 ns
Query.Next + 2x Query.Get 2.0 ns
Query.Next + 5x Query.Get 4.4 ns
Query.Next + Query.Entity 1.7 ns
Query.Next + Query.Relation 2.3 ns
Query.EntityAt, 1 arch 12.0 ns
Query.EntityAt, 1 arch 3.1 ns registered filter
Query.EntityAt, 5 arch 30.5 ns
Query.EntityAt, 5 arch 4.9 ns registered filter
World.Query 30.5 ns
World.Query 34.9 ns registered filter

World access

Operation Time Remark
World.Get 2.1 ns random, 1000 entities
World.GetUnchecked 1.5 ns random, 1000 entities
World.Has 1.2 ns random, 1000 entities
World.HasUnchecked 0.7 ns random, 1000 entities
World.Alive 0.4 ns random, 1000 entities
World.Relations.Get 3.4 ns random, 1000 entities
World.Relations.GetUnchecked 0.8 ns random, 1000 entities


Operation Time Remark
Entity.IsZero 0.2 ns
World.NewEntity 17.7 ns memory already alloc.
World.NewEntity w/ 1 Comp 24.6 ns memory already alloc.
World.NewEntity w/ 5 Comps 46.6 ns memory already alloc.
World.RemoveEntity 16.7 ns
World.RemoveEntity w/ 1 Comp 27.0 ns
World.RemoveEntity w/ 5 Comps 59.9 ns
Map1.NewWith 1 Comp 31.5 ns memory already alloc.
Map5.NewWith 5 Comps 73.1 ns memory already alloc.

Entities, batched

Operation Time Remark
Batch.New 9.9 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.New w/ 1 Comp 9.9 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.New w/ 5 Comps 9.6 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.RemoveEntities 7.2 ns 1000
Batch.RemoveEntities w/ 1 Comp 7.7 ns 1000
Batch.RemoveEntities w/ 5 Comps 8.8 ns 1000


Operation Time Remark
World.Add 1 Comp 42.1 ns memory already alloc.
World.Add 5 Comps 71.3 ns memory already alloc.
World.Add 1 to 5 Comps 122.5 ns memory already alloc.
World.Remove 1 Comp 49.6 ns memory already alloc.
World.Remove 5 Comps 114.5 ns memory already alloc.
World.Remove 1 of 5 Comps 115.7 ns memory already alloc.
World.Exchange 1 Comp 57.5 ns memory already alloc.
World.Exchange 1 of 5 Comps 124.5 ns memory already alloc.
Map1.Assign 1 Comps 46.7 ns memory already alloc.
Map5.Assign 5 Comps 98.5 ns memory already alloc.

Components, batched

Operation Time Remark
Batch.Add 1 Comp 4.5 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.Add 5 Comps 4.5 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.Add 1 to 5 Comps 7.8 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.Remove 1 Comp 4.5 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.Remove 5 Comps 5.7 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.Remove 1 of 5 Comps 7.0 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.Exchange 1 Comp 4.5 ns 1000, memory already allocated
Batch.Exchange 1 of 5 Comps 7.2 ns 1000, memory already allocated


Operation Time Remark
ecs.NewWorld 6.6 μs
World.Reset 79.7 ns empty world
ecs.ComponentID 22.2 ns component already registered