How to contribute

This page explains how to contribute to the OESA Knowledge Collection via feedback or edits.


To give feedback on the site, use the Give feedback link at the top of the right navigation bar of the page under consideration. This will start a GitLab issue with a link to the page. Add your feedback below the link and press “Create issue” at the very bottom.


The website is powered by Hugo, a Static Site Generator (SSG). Source files are written in Markdown.

In the browser: Edit existing pages

The easiest way to edit existing pages is to use the Edit link at the top of the respective page. This will open the file for editing in GitLab in your browser.

Change the “Target branch” field to a branch name different from main and leave the “Start a new merge request with these changes” ticked. Then, press “Commit changes” at the bottom. A new merge request page will appear. Optionally, add a description. Then, press “Create merge request” at the bottom.


To edit the site locally, potentially with Local preview, clone the repository

git clone

and create a branch and switch to it, e.g.

git checkout -b newbranchname

Markdown for the individual pages can be found in folder content.

Make your edits and create a Merge Request when done.

VSCode is recommended for editing (gives a nice markdown preview) - but any other editor will do.

Edit a page:

Open the page in an editor and edit it.

Add a page
  • copy the page template file from the template folder to the folder you want your new page to reside in.
  • Edit the copied file and change according to your needs.
  • With the weight fied in the header you can determine page ordering.
Add a folder
  • add a folder
  • copy from the template folder to the new folder
  • edit according to your needs.

The new folder is shown in the menue with the link title specified in When this link is choosen gets displayed.

Local preview

For local preview, Hugo (extended) is required. On oesa151w it is already installed.
Otherwise get Hugo from the GitHub releases or follow the installation instructions.

With Hugo installed, run the following in the site repository’s root directory:

hugo serve

Then, open the address shown at the bottom of the console output in a web browser. Usually, it is:


The page will update automatically when source files are changed.

On oesa151w the local preview it still looks ugly and not usable.