

Modo🧯 relies heavily on templating. With the option templates in the modo.yaml or flag --templates, custom template folders can be specified to (partially) overwrite the embedded templates. Simply use the same files names, and alter the content. Embedded templates that can be overwritten can be found in folder assets/templates.

Modo🧯 uses the templating syntax of Go and Hugo. See Go’s text/template docs and Hugo’s Introduction to templating for details.

As an example, here is the builtin template for rendering a trait. It uses nested templates for clarity and modularity.

Mojo trait

# `{{.Name}}`

{{template "summary" . -}}
{{template "description" . -}}
{{template "fields" . -}}
{{template "parent_traits" . -}}
{{template "methods" . -}}

Besides changing the page layout and content, templates can also be used to alter the Hugo front matter of individual pages, e.g. to change the document type or to add more information for Hugo.