Project structure

Yarner offers flexibility regarding the structure of projects. This chapter presents some project layouts recommended for different use cases.


For an explanation of all settings that serve to configure the project structure, see chapter Paths. The most important settings are:

root = "."
code = "code/"
docs = "docs/"

files = [""]

root is the path all other paths are relative to. code is for code output, and docs for documentation output. files are the entrypoint files of the project (normally one, but can be more, or even glob patterns).

Default structure

The default setup created by init uses the setting listed above and produces this project structure:

  ├── code/              <code output>
  ├── docs/              <doc output>
  ├──          <source document>
  └── Yarner.toml        <config>

The structure is well suited for small projects that use only a single source file and no transclusions or links to be followed (@). In this case, the documentation output looks exactly like the sources. The source file (e.g. can thus be used as the documentation directly, and directory docs can be ignored by Git (in file .gitignore):


Three folders structure

Another possible structure is to have the Markdown sources in a separate sub-folder, e.g. lp:

  ├── code/              <code output>
  ├── docs/              <doc output>
  ├── lp/                <source files>
  │     ├──
  │     └── ...
  └── Yarner.toml        <config>

The required settings look like this:

root = "lp/"
code = "../code/"
docs = "../docs/"

files = [""]

This layout is suitable for larger projects with potentially many linked or transcluded source files.

Here, an additional file that contains no Literate Programming code can be placed at the top level of the project. The compiled documentation for readers (after transclusion, and with clean links) can be found in directory docs.

Top-level documentation structure

A further useful layout is to place the documentation output at the top project level, while the sources are in a sub-folder (here, lp):

  ├── code/              <code output>
  ├── lp/                <source files>
  │     ├──
  │     └── ...
  └── Yarner.toml        <config>

The required settings look like this:

root = "lp/"
code = "../code/"
docs = "../"

files = [""]

Here, the "compiled" documentation output (e.g. is placed directly in the project directory and thus presented to the reader.

This structure is useful for larger projects that use link following and transclusions, but still want the Literate Programming document directly presented to the reader, e.g. as the repository's