Using plugins

This chapter explains how to use plugins.

How it works

Plugins are external programs that can modify the documents parsed by Yarner. They communicate with Yarner using JSON through stdin/stdout.


A plugin program must be on the PATH to be usable.

To use a plugin for a project, add the respective section to the Yarner.toml file. E.g. for a plugin yarner-block-links, add


Plugin options follow after the section:

join = " | "

Multiple plugins can be combined. They will process the document in the order they are given, each receiving the output of its precursor.

With these settings, run Yarner a usual.

Plugins have no effect in reverse mode.


By default, the command of the plugin is derived from its name in the config file, prefixed with yarner-. E.g., the command derived from [plugin.block-links] is yarner-block-links.

Alternatively, each plugin section can have optional parameters command and arguments, e.g.

command = "path/to/binary"
arguments = ["--arg1", "value1", "--arg2", "value2"]