Watch command

Yarner has a subcommand watch to automatically build a project after files changed. This may be particularly convenient when switching back and forth between Markdown editing and code editing with reverse mode.

Warning: This feature is still experimental and modifies the original Markdown sources. Make a backup of the sources before using it!


To start watching, run subcommand watch:

> yarner watch

Yarner will do one forward build and then watch the detected source files, as well as the generated code files, for changes. When source files change, Yarner runs a forward build. When code files change, it runs a reverse build.

The config file Yarner.toml is watched as a source file, thus a forward run will be done on changes.

To stop watching, press Ctrl + C.

Reverse pass

In watch mode, a reverse build is immediately followed by a forward build, but exclusively for the documentation output. This way, code changes are immediately reflected in the documentation.

Error handling

When watching a project, some errors are handled less strict in order to not abort watching unnecessarily. Instead of aborting with an error, a warning is printed. In particular, this applies to plugin errors.